Test signals

Test signals that are generated by algorithms or user input can be good for severals reasons.

  • They are for example usually more reliant than the ones coming from real sensors sources which can be a good ting during demos and testing.
  • They can be more predictable than real sensor signals.
  • Finally they be a really good tool to test and benchmark your solutions.

In this article we will describe the existing test signals in the open energy playground as well as how to create your own.

All test signals are posted under the test/ path. Currently these are avalible:


Format: meterevent

Properties: time, power, energy

Units: Epoc seconds, W, Wh

Source: Generated in NodeRED at this tab.

Description: The power values will range from 300 to 2500 W the events will trigger sporadically with an interval of 1 to 3 seconds. Energy property is calculated to match the the power and time property.


Description: Same as test/signal but with a 1 second delay.


Description: Same as test/signal1.


Description: Same as test/signal but with a 2 second delay.


Description: Same as test/signal2.


Format: meterevent

Properties: time, power, energy

Units: Epoc seconds, W, Wh

Source: Generated in NodeRED at this tab.

Description: The power values increase with 1W an interval of 1 second and resets once it reaches 600 W. Energy property is calculated to match the the power and time property.


Format: meterevent

Properties: time, power, energy

Units: Epoc seconds, W, Wh

Source: Generated in NodeRED at this tab.

Description: The power values alternate between 10 and 100 W with an interval of 1second. Energy property is calculated to match the the power and time property.


Format: json

Properties: time, temp, temperature

Units: Epoc seconds,°C, °C

Source: Generated in NodeRED at this tab.

Description: The temp and temperature are the same values and changes progressively between roughly 18°C and 23°C.

Creating your own signals

Use the links above and select the nodes that generates the signals. To copy the script use the menu on the right top and select export->clipboard. Copy the output and user import->clipboard in your own instance or nodeRED. Change the script to your own liking as well as the target topic and server in the output node and press publish.